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What is GammaTile Therapy?GammaTile is a Surgically Targeted Radiation Therapy (STaRT) for brain tumors that provides immediate radiation treatment after tumor removal. Each GammaTile has radiation sources embedded in a collagen tile that deliver a precise dose of radiation focused right where it’s needed and away from healthy brain tissue. In a clinical study, this resulted in a 2x improvement in median time to tumor recurrence compared to the patients’ most recent prior same site treatment.[1]
How does GammaTile Therapy work?The neurosurgeon places the GammaTile(s) precisely where treatment will help the most—immediately after tumor removal. Like other radiation therapies, GammaTile Therapy works by disrupting the tumor cell replication process. Radiation damages the tumor cell DNA, so the cell is unable to replicate and eventually dies. The collagen tile keeps the radiation sources in place while the radiation is being released. Over time, the body naturally absorbs the collagen tile.
Is GammaTile FDA approved?GammaTile Therapy is FDA cleared to deliver radiation therapy for patients with newly diagnosed malignant brain tumors and recurrent brain tumors.
How is GammaTile Therapy different from other types of radiation therapy used to treat brain tumors?The two most common types of radiation therapy used to treat brain tumors are external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and brachytherapy. EBRT With EBRT, the radiation comes from a machine outside the body into the tumor area. One of the drawbacks of EBRT is that patients have to wait 2 to 3 weeks before beginning the radiation therapy to allow the surgical incision to heal after tumor removal surgery due to the potential of the radiation interfering with wound healing. Unfortunately, this treatment lapse provides a window for any remaining tumor cells to duplicate and grow. In addition, EBRT requires an intense treatment schedule (typically 15-30 sessions, 5 days a week for 3 to 6 weeks) at a hospital or treatment center.[2] Brachytherapy With brachytherapy, or internal radiation therapy, radiation sources are placed within the tumor resection cavity during surgery. While the radiation begins working right away, the dose can be extremely high around the radiation source. This can cause serious side effects, including swelling and damage to healthy brain tissue. GammaTile Therapy GammaTile Therapy starts targeting any remaining tumor cells immediately upon placement. And with GammaTile Therapy, there’s no intense treatment schedule or need for patients and their caregivers to travel to and from a treatment center. Patients receive treatment in the comfort of their own homes, going about their daily life. GammaTile Therapy is different from traditional brachytherapy because the collagen tile provides a buffer around the radiation sources which allows the patient to receive the optimal dose of radiation to tumor cells while preserving healthy tissue and minimizing complications. GammaTile Therapy gives patients get a head start in the fight against brain tumor regrowth while reducing the potential for side effects.
Do I have to stay in the hospital longer if I receive GammaTile Therapy?No, typically there is no need for an extra hospital stay or to travel for additional, ongoing radiation treatments.
Will GammaTile Therapy lengthen my surgery?No, GammaTile Therapy placement only takes a few minutes at the end of surgery.[1]
Does GammaTile Therapy replace chemotherapy?Your treatment team may use GammaTile Therapy in conjunction with chemotherapy, depending on the type of tumor. Talk with your treatment team for guidance about your individual care plan.
Will GammaTile Therapy cause hair loss?With GammaTile Therapy, radiation does not have to travel from outside the body through the scalp to reach the tumor cells. Therefore, the likelihood of hair loss is low. In a clinical study on GammaTile Therapy, only 1 out of 74 patients experienced hair loss.[1]
If I have had radiation therapy in the brain previously, can I still have GammaTile Therapy?"In a recent clinical study, all patients treated with GammaTile Therapy had previous radiation therapy in the brain.[1] However every situation is unique. Together with your care team, your radiation oncologist will review your previous records to determine if GammaTile Therapy might be right for you.
How long is the GammaTile radioactive?With GammaTile Therapy, 90% of the radiation dose is delivered in 33 days. After 100 days, the GammaTile radiation sources are considered completely free of radiation.
Will I need to have surgery to remove GammaTile?No, one of the great things about GammaTile Therapy is that the body naturally absorbs the collagen tile and the small, inactive seeds remain in the body.
Can GammaTile Therapy be used for cancers outside of the brain?Currently, GammaTile Therapy is only indicated for brain tumor treatment.
Can a patient have GammaTile Therapy more than once?Yes, it is possible to receive GammaTile Therapy more than once if you meet the medical criteria and you and your healthcare provider decide it is appropriate for you.
What are the side effects of GammaTile Therapy?Compared to other radiation treatments, GammaTile Therapy side effects are typically fewer.[1] The potential for adverse events depends on the radiosensitivity of the exposed tissue, the amount of radiation delivered, and the placement of GammaTile(s). Because GammaTile is placed during tumor removal surgery, the possible complications of neurosurgery may also apply, including, but not limited to, cerebrospinal fluid leaks, infection, delayed hemorrhage, seizures, and adhesion formation. For more information about potential side effects, talk to your healthcare provider.
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